Alpha 0.8.1 update of Shoujo City 3D is released on Steam and the App Store.
☆ Roller Coaster
The roller coaster ride in the Summer Town park is finished and now can be used as a dating activity. One ride will give you +3 relationship points (only once per day). If you date a pillow, you’ll have to place her in the coaster cart to start a ride.
Some areas of the park were redesigned, more attractions and buildings will be added in future updates. There is also a new ferris wheel (under construction).
☆ Other additions and improvements
- “Summer Town” map now has music – you can turn it on and off by walking towards the music speaker (in the Kakigoori Stall) and using action button.
- Small improvements to girlfriend’s AI (for bench/object sitting and navigation);
- Fixed the bug with kissing in/under water;
- Fixed the bug with camera collisions during the kissing mini-game.
- More accurate checks for detecting space where characters can sit on the ground.
- Fixed incorrect tiling of the floor in the gym (school map).
- Fixed the bug with clicking on squirrel in the smartphone camera mode.
- Clicking on phone button when using phone is not possible (e.g., while swimming, or riding roller coaster) now will open game quit dialogue.
There are roller coasters now?
Quand la version shoujo city disponible en Android cet été s’il vous plaît
Répondu vite s’il vous plaît
Et merci
C’est impossible de savoir…
How to download :(( please help me
Download links are on the right. If you need the PC version, check the section that says “download free demo”. Download zip archive on your PC, unpack it, and double click on “ShoujoCity.exe” to launch the game.
C’est quoi le tanabata update???
Tanabata is a traditional Japanese celebration on July 7. I am planning to add some decorations and clothes in next update for this event.
Quand la version disponible de le jeu shoujo city en Android cet année ????
Dans quelques mois. Je ne sais pas avec certitude.
jenial :3