Free demo version of Shoujo City 3D for Windows & MacOS is updated to version 0.6 and has numerous fixes and new features, including the full playground, beauty salon, and more. Download links are in the sidebar menu on the right.
Free demo version of Shoujo City 3D for Windows & MacOS is updated to version 0.6 and has numerous fixes and new features, including the full playground, beauty salon, and more. Download links are in the sidebar menu on the right.
Shoujo City, where can I find coconuts in the demo version?
I tried finding them in the supermarket but I failed…
They are not available in the demo.
I see. Thank you Shoujo City.
S’il vous plaît met shoujo city version a Android cet été
cool! does the map count as a beach or will be a beach added later?
It counts as beach. Beach alone would not have enough gameplay to make it an interesting location on its own. So it was combined with an amusement park.
Quelle temps ou mois de desponible shoujo city a android
How do you crawl on apple iPhone in 2020?
It’s possible only in PC version.