Alpha 0.7.7 update of Shoujo City 3D is published on Steam and the App Store. Here is what is new in this release:
☆ Playground
School map is redesigned and now has a new playground area. You can use a swing, a seesaw, and can crawl inside the sphere. If you date a pillow, you’ll have to put your pillow on a swing/seesaw seat to use them.
☆ New cosplay items
- Silver and golden crowns (available in Fashion Store).
☆ New food
- Matcha and matcha latte (available in vending machines).
- Strawberry taiyaki.
- All ice creams are replaced with new 3D models.
☆ Other additions and improvements
- Fixed a bug with title menu appearing in background in girlfriend’s creation menu.
- Fixed a bug with girlfriend closing her eyes during tomato kissing mini-game.
☆ Translations
All translations are updated according to the game wiki.
Pourquoi la version shoujo city 3D ne pas disponible a Android ?
Toujours je visite la page de shoujo city pour voir les notifications de la jeu mais non
Repondre s’il vous plaît
Et merci
La version Android arrive cette année. Mais je ne connais pas encore la date exacte.
Aaaaa merci beaucoup
Are you planning to add a beach?
Yes. Working on it right now.
Will it be possible to choose your girlfriend’s looks ? Not just with the beauty salon, like the playable character at the beginning.
There is no background story in the game at the moment, but the basic idea is that the player moves to a new school, rents an apartment, and shares it with another school student. So she is supposed to be somebody you meet rather than create. One of ideas I had is to add a personality test, where you’ll have to answer a few questions, and then the game will create the most suitable girlfriend (both her looks and personality) based on your answers. I’m still thinking about it.
Okay, thanks ! Good luck if you try to do it.
can you make more UFO catchers? like, Pokémon? I would like that.
I can’t add Pokemon UFO catchers, since that would be a copyright violation. Things like these need official approval by copyright holders. I tried contacting a few indie game developers asking for permission to use their characters as in-game toys, but without any luck thus far.