Shoujo City 3D update 1.10

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Update 1.10 is released on Steam and mobile stores:

  • PC and Android version: two original dakimakura covers are redesigned with better quality. One new dakimakura cover (sold in Akihabara).
  • All versions: New collectible crystal ball (room decoration item). Can be obtained as one of random prizes in the water gun mini-game (Summer Town map).
  • iOS and Android version: improved touchscreen controls: camera now can be rotated using entire screen area, scrollbar zoom is replaced with pinch zoom.
  • iOS: For devices with notch, black padding on sides of the screen is now enforced.

19 thoughts on “Shoujo City 3D update 1.10

  1. Julia

    I didn’t like the idea of changing original art to AI art – I hated it.
    Especially because AI art isn’t “better quality”, it is destroying the artists. I really miss the other Dakimakuras because, even though there are still other 3 that weren’t changed, my favorite ones were.
    It’s not just because they’re my favorite ones, it’s AI art. It’s not art. It’s not better. It’s just replacing them with a unreal picture.

    I really love the game, it’s one of my favorite games, but this really made me upset.

    1. ShoujoCity Dev Post author

      I don’t have any artists at my disposal (apart from myself), so how can I “destroy” some hypothetical artists? On that very picture above, you can see maple trees in the background. They were created with a single mouse click using an automated tool called MTree, no manual input of any kind. The fact you wouldn’t even know if I didn’t mention it.

      What about photogrammetry, which is used in about 100% of modern AAA or AA 3D games? Instead of designing and texturing a rock by hand, 3D artists these days just scan a real rock with their iPhone’s lidar scanner, and insert it into game.

      If somebody insists that everything should be manual work, then using Unity (which automates and eliminates the need for an insane amount of manual work) also can be considered a form of “cheating”. Actually, there are people out there (typically on specialized subreddits or in gamedev forums) who argue exactly that: that everybody who uses Unity/Unreal/Godot/any other engine for making games is a noob and cheater, and that “true” game developers should write their own game engine in Notepad in C++ (or in Assembler, still better). But if everybody who uses Unity for gamedev is not a true game developer, then the whole gamedev industry as we know it today, largely doesn’t even exist.

      The truth is that every single game developer out there uses a number of automated tools to create assets, and AI is just one of them. Personally, I don’t see any difference between using tools like MTree for creating a whole tree in one click, and using Stable Diffusion to create a piece of artwork in one click. All of these are just tools, they won’t magically make a game for you, and it’s up to game developers to decide when and how to use such tools to create something.

      I think the real criterion discerning a high quality game from a lazy asset flip is amount of work and creativity invested in your work, not just using or not using some particular tool, be it AI, photogrammetry, or whatever.

      1. Julia

        It was still proved that AI “art” is destroying real art. Search it up, you will find lots of angry artists venting that the AI “artists” are gaining the credit, and really is something bad.

        Yes, there are things like Unity and ETC, but I’m saying that AI images should NOT be mistaken with real art or art with “better quality”. And that is MY point.

        1. ShoujoCity Dev Post author

          Search it up, you can find lots of angry programmers venting on the Internet that tools like Unreal and Unity, which allow to create and publish games within days with zero prior experience and knowledge, are destroying lives of “real” game developers. Thanks to those very tools Google Play/App Store/Steam are now bombarded with thousands of new releases per day, every single day. Somebody spent five years at university to learn C# or C++ to make their game, and another person just spent one week to drop a few blocks together using Unreal blueprints, and published a successful game on Steam while having absolutely no programming knowledge. Quite a few out of those programmers out there who spent years learning programming will think this is not “fair”, apparently. So? Should everyone stop using Unity & Unreal now, and go back to coding whole game engines in Notepad, just because some programmers feel angry, because their skill and experience got suddenly devalued?

          I don’t see any real reason why tools for creating AI art are being singled out as some form of “cheating”, while in reality they are just one of many automated tools used in gamedev. Without those tools most of gamedev as we know it today would not even exist.

          Nobody now will go back to coding video games in Assembler, like it was done back in 80s, just because some angry people are venting online about automated tools that replaced manual coding. I think that the same will happen with AI artwork, and no amount of artists venting about it can stop the technological progress, or turn it backwards.

          1. yuza

            in my opinion AI should only be used if there are simple solutions and should never be used to make creative decisions.. using AI artwork in a game like this feels out of place or like an insult. there are hundreds of artists willing to help if you just asked. i’m sure some fans would also love to pitch in and help. there are just so many more solutions than using AI art which happens to be destroying artists.

    1. Name

      lmao dude wtf. Are you an artist urself? Cuz if you are then you should know well enough that there are boatloads of human artists who cannot do better works than Stable Diffusion. AI generated arts already have good enough qualities, at least better than lots of non-professional digital artists. Hiring artists costs lots of money and time and negotiation and blah blah blah and I genuinely don’t think every game dev should be dealing with these problems even when better, more efficient tools are available. Plus lots of immature artists can’t really provide good-enough-quality or suitable artworks (e.g. yandere simulator official arts) to the devs or are having hard times understanding the dev’s instructions. Manual works done by human artists aren’t necessarily better than AI arts in first place. If an artist cannot even do better works than AI then why should people pay for them instead of paying for the AI company? The people working for the company also need to make a living .
      On the other hand, indie devs deal with enough problems already. All u talk about is just AI ruining artist’s life and such but what about indie dev’s life then? Lots of people in the game production industry are struggling themselves due to thriving of technologies and so on, and now they have to use their money to help these artists? Do artists say that they have to support the indie devs and therefore boycott these technologies together with the indie devs? The animators? The programmers? I bet lots of “artists” are never aware of troubles these people face cuz they care too much about themselves and their own wallets lol. Why should indie devs spend their own time and money to support real people artists then? In fact if you think using AI work in this game is bad, then why don’t you do something yourself? Do new artworks, pay some artists to do it, donate to the devs… There are plenty of options for you other than bossing around saying how “AI ruins artists’ life” and how “AI artworks are flawed” and just ordering the dev to modify the game in whichever way you want it to be. It’s not your game. Do something or leave 🙂

      1. Julia

        I AM an artist and I KNOW that AI art makes real art die. People are replacing real art with AI garbage. I thought the game was better than this.

      1. ShoujoCity Dev Post author

        Why, specifically? I don’t think that blanket declarations without any arguments and reasoning help this discussions in any way. So far the only argument I heard is “AI artwork destroys livelihood of real artists”, and it’s just silly. How in the world I can “destroy” some artist, when none is working for me? I’m working alone, and I never hired, and never fired anybody. Hypothetical artist that I would be forced to hire if I didn’t use AI, you mean? But if you subscribe to that logic, then the whole indie gamedev industry during last three decades “destroyed” livelihood of millions of programmers, animators, designers, modellers, musicians, and whoever else.

        Because the whole concept of indie gamedev is based on using automated tools to make games and bypass the need to invest a lot of money and hire a whole team of people to make everything from a scratch.

        And no, indie game developers never “destroyed” livelihood of those hypothetical programmers/designers. Because if every indie developers had to hire professionals to make everything from a scratch, for their every project, indie game dev scene would just not exist, simple as that. And there would be no indie developers to hire those hypothetical programmers/designers. Making video games would still remain an exclusive domain of big companies, like it was back in 80s ~ 90s. There would be just way less games to choose from and play, and that’s about it.

        1. Rye

          I think it would be best to refrain from using AI art for the dakimakuras. I understand your arguments however the dakimakuras shown don’t really fit the art style of the game, it looks very out of place because of the different art style used by Stable Diffusion. It also looks very odd, having inconsistencies and strange placing you wouldn’t really see with drawn art. I am not 100% against AI art being used in game development, however in this case, the AI art simply looks odd when it is placed in this game.

  2. Silotti

    Hello I have a suggestion is it possible to add the yandere mode in the game I mean that the player has the freedom to choose the situation such as being yay or being chased by the Yandere


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