A new video by GodOfCoffee (Spanish language).
Availability of Shoujo City 3D in different languages depends on contributors. Everybody willing to help with translations is welcome to participate, all game texts are stored for editing online in a wiki. Apart from Spanish, you can also translate into other languages, or contribute new dialogues for dating scenes. For more details, please visit http://wiki.shoujocity.com
Will there be this game out for IPhones and IPads and Kindles? If so, when should it be out?
Yes. An iOS version should be released in a few months. Exact dates are unknown as yet.
Shoujo city do you have TextNow if you don’t download it and tell me your number so I can text you in private
Please contact me by email, if you want to talk about something.
Can you tell me where Alpha 0.2 at? It´s Time.
Coming within 5 minutes!
it´s out, Yay 😀 I am first!